Liquidity |
Some policies might have some restrictions on how much and when capital and/or income can be withdrawn (usually a 5-year lock-in period). |
Capital loss |
Unit Linked products don’t usually have capital loss protection, meaning that there will be no protections from bad investments. |
Market risk |
If a Unit Linked is severally investment in securities and other volatile assets, the policy holder will naturally face the market risks entirely. |
Costs |
Usually, Unit Linked products have high charges, specially at the beginning. |
No double taxation elimination |
Meaning that if the income/gain generated inside the Unit Linked is taxed at source, the policy holder will not be able to deduct it against his gain upon redemption/payout. |
Risk of requalification |
There is a risk –albeit of low occurrence –that some unproperly setup Unit Linked could be considered, in substance, mere investment accounts and consequently not benefiting from the Unit Linked tax regime. |